MisaoHoh Cosplay Site 


MisaoHoh Cosplay Site

欢迎你们到访我的迷你Cosplay 网站 ^__^




希望你们不会嫌弃我做得不好 ^^;;


大家好, 我是MisaoHoh. 不好意思我没有设定中文别名.

我是来自马来西亚,也是Comic Fiesta (CF) 的一分子. 我的嗜好是...Cosplay. 我所喜欢的东西是... Costume ^^;;

可能是因为大多的Cos服都是我本身亲自缝制, 所以我很疼爱它们, 我也不给其他人随便碰它们 (神啊~ 请原谅我的自私吧~~)

好吧~ 来谈一谈我如何加入Cosplay这门玩意儿. 话说回几年前,日子实在太闷啦~~ 上课下课,课外活动...接着是上班下班...没有什么新意,日子苦闷啊~ 然后刚巧姐姐申请了Internet, 我就开始上网啦~~ 给我看到了很多海外的角色扮演活动, 哇~~ 他们好"酷"哟~~ 我也想参与~~ 可惜本地没有 *哭*

 当时我所能做的只不过是研究和服的裁法,买些便宜的布来做一做. 然后发觉本土将要举行类似的活动,开心极了~ 果然上天不是残忍的,我终于可以有机会尝试了~

那时候开始物色我能够Cos而且我也喜欢的角色, 还有另一个条件 - 容易缝制的!! 那就是 --- 卷町 操 姑娘了~~

我还记得那个时候我差一点赶不完 ...还好活动是举办两天的...所以第一天我只好穿上还没有完成的Cos服去出席大会, 然后当天晚上一回到家就继续开工把它完成~ 不过,当然是有洗衣服~ 哈哈~~

自从那一次后,除了我本身办不到的Cos服会交给裁缝, 其余我能做得到的都自己缝制~ 而且可以弄到很合身~~

制作道具是开心的,虽然有时候会把房间搞得七国大战 (还被妈妈训,男朋友唠叨) 虽然碰上很多问题...例如活动将到但是衣服道具还没有完成, 工作太忙没时间没精神, 家人反对, 朋友同事不理解, 还说:"你这是发神经吗?" 等等等的问题...

但是只要自己告诉自己:"Cosplay是幸福的~~" 我就有活力啦~~

让我们来喊一次~ :"COSPLAY 万岁~~!!"


About myself :

Currently just a part-timer or say, freelancer ^^ <- OK, that's long time  ago, as for now I have been upgraded to manager level, haha

I like cosplay and I wanted to show I do respect Cosplay, so I try my best to make my own costume, BUT...for those that I really can't DIY I will send them to Tailor ^^;;

One of the reason I DIY my costume other than I respect Cosplay was, I ENJOY the fun on making my costume & props. And what pissed me off and decided to DIY is a lot tailor don't dare to take my order <__<

But, for sewing problem, I don't have sewing machine, therefore I need to hand sew ^^;;  somehow i enjoy it ^^

HOW I involved myself in cosplay?

Few years back (before 2002) I was surfing internet coz have nothing better to do? ^^;; Then I saw a lots picture of overseas cosplay...I was O__O "WOW~~ great!! they have such activity!! I wanna try too~~"

Few months later I saw an news in Manga megazine announced that COMIC FIESTA is coming to Kuala Lumpur, and organized by local people. Great!! that is the chance!! so, i go for it ^^

Later on...I addicted into sewing, making costume, props, photography...and I can find back my life that I really want =D

Coz...I don't want to live my life "normally"? That is too boring XD;;

Now I had added some spice into my life, I started to make-up to go work ^^;;

And I had learned a lot on different things too, about skin care and some basic make-up skill

And some nutirition knowledge... Which kept myself healthy and look younger compare to my actual age~ ^^





Rurouni Kenshin - 浪客剑心 的角色:

Misao Makimachi / 卷町 操


Himura Kenshin/ 绯村剑心

/Hitokiri Battousai / 千人斩.拔刀斋


Dragon Ball - 龙珠  的角色

Android No.18 / 人造人间18号


Naruto -  火影忍者 的角色:

Haku / 白

Hyuuga Neji / 日向宁次


.Hack//Sign 的角色:

Tsukasa / 司


Bleach - 死神(漂白) 的角色:

Kuchiki Rukia / 朽木露琪亚


Peacemaker Kurogane - 铁.捍卫部队 的角色:

Tetsunosuke Ichimura / 市村铁之助


Gundam Wing - 高达W 的角色:

Duo Maxwell / 迪奥.麦士维


Fullmetal Alchemist (FMA) - 钢之练金术师 的角色:

Edward Elric / 爱德华.爱尔力克


Street Fighter



Shingeki no Kyojin / Attack on Titan - 进击的巨人 的角色:

Levi Heichou . Levi Ackerman / 兵长。利威尔。阿克曼


Appleseed - 苹果核角色:

Deunan Knute



My DIY (Work in progress) / 我的DIY

















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